Episode 6: Meet Simon Short, author of “The Average Surfer’s Guide to Travel, Waves and Progression”

Imi Barneaud
4 min readNov 16, 2018

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About this Episode

Today my guest is Simon Short, also known as The Average Surfer. Simon is from England but he lives in sunny California. He is a writer. He has been a regular contributor to The Inertia, one of the coolest surfing magazines on the planet.

In 2016, he attracted a lot of attention when he published an inspiring article about Surfing, Depression and the Need for Identity. The success of this intimate and moving story inspired him to continue writing.

Fast forward 2 years later and Simon is publishing his first book! Here it is:

Grab a copy on Simon’s website or on Amazon (links below)

It’s called “The Average Surfer’s Guide to Travel, Waves and Progression”, it’s a true story and a riveting read. Simon reached out to me about a month ago, and sent me his book, and once I started reading, I couldn’t put it down. The writing is wonderful and Simon really nails it when he defines what an average surfer is and how surfing affects us.

In today’s episode, we take a step back from business, careers and entrepreneurship, and reflect on what it is to be an average surfer. I think most of you will recognize yourselves in Simon’s definition of an average surfer, it’s so spot on! Everybody who loves surfing will relate to his book.

“Once surfing becomes a lifestyle, once you can get to an average, intermediate level, it breeds in you a love for the environment, for travel, for adventure and for other people.” — Simon Short, aka The Average Surfer

If there is anything to take from our conversation, it’s how to find that balance between your passions and the rest of your life : your sanity may depend on it.

Simon is a living breathing example of how we can prioritize our passions to become happier people and better humans. And this is his story…

Links and Show Notes:

To connect with Simon, you can start by following him on Instagram , connect on Facebook and on Youtube where he shares some really cool videos. You can read Simon’s articles and order his book on his website, The Average Surfer’s Guide and read his articles on The Inertia . You will also be able to grab a copy on Amazon and Barnes and Noble (if you’re in the US).

Thank you Simon for being such a lovely guest!

I look forward to catching up with you in a few months.

Simon is sponsored by Fitzroy Surfboards (core surfers from England who will be on the show soon) and Spy Optic.

If you liked this episode, please share your thoughts and love. Tell your friends and family about the podcast, and give me a rating or a review on iTunes. If you would like to connect with me, you can email me at hello@theoceanriderspodcast.com or reach out to me on Instagram . I’ve opened a Facebook group where you can join the conversation and share your thoughts too.

All the episodes can be streamed on www.theoceanriderspodcast.com and you can also listen to the episodes on your favorite podcasting app: Apple Podcasts, iTunes, Stitcher, Overcast, Deezer and now Spotify! Don’t forget to subscribe, so next week’s episode will download automatically.

I’ll be back next week with another awesome surfer who’s crushing it in Peru.

Until then, take care, have fun and enjoy the waves!





Imi Barneaud

My name is Imi Barneaud and I am a surfer, a mum and an entrepreneur. My podcast is a series of weekly conversations with surfers about careers.